Monday, January 10, 2011

How'd you set that up?

In this post, I described in words how I set up the commercial studio shot where I re-created a bedroom, but I failed to get a picture of the set up.

Well, when Rikki and I were in studio the other day, I so badly wanted to get a picture of my kitchen set (post to come soon), but forgot AGAIN! So when Rikki was setting up her shoot, I thought about the picture and snapped one for my viewers' eyes!

So here's Rikki hard at work setting up her beautiful still life:

As you can see, we work in a small space (we refer to it as a bay) and we have cords and lights everywhere. The computer is in the right most part of the screen and the saw horse you see left of frame is generally what we set a white piece of wood upon. But since Rikki wanted to shoot her still life from above, we laid her "set" on the ground. There are so many options for what you want to do.

And....this is the final version of Rikki's still life! Click on the link to see.
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