Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I know I already have one blood sister, but I have so many other "sisters" in my life. One of these is Hannah. Hannah and I met in 2001 when I went to their house to tutor one of her brothers as a college student. At first I wasn't sure how long I'd stay and tutor, but my tutoring turned into being an "adopted" member of Hannah's family. I love visiting with my family in PA, people who truly care for me and treat me as one of their own.

I haven't been able to spend much time with them this past year when I go visit. It's usually spending the night, getting back late, and leaving early for whatever I have going on. But I am so thankful for the Bingamans. So many of the people in my life know how important they are to me. And I am thankful for Hannah. She has two brothers and no sisters. I count it an honor to be a sister to her. She has grown so much since the 10-year old I knew 10 years ago. She has a heart of gold and will be a lifelong sister-friend. She came up a few weeks ago to visit, and it was so neat to show her Hallmark and how my life is. I even made her stay out till after midnight while a classmate and I took our self portraits at night.

Han, I love you. You are a beauty, inside and out!!

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