Thursday, February 28, 2013

Maurer:: Leola, PA family session

My cousin recommended me to a friend of hers in PA. I was able to photograph their family before Christmas, and with so much going on, I'm just now getting to blog their session.

It's always a bit nerve-wracking when there are 'new' kids involved. While I feel like I am well liked by most littles, there's always this element of the unknown. As soon as I got the Maurer's house, the two older girls greeted me with smiles and had on the cutest outfits. I asked them some questions about their little sister, who had just been born a few weeks prior to our session. I knew immediately these little girls would be easy to photograph. While it was a cold day, it was nice enough to head outside to get some pictures. When I asked the girls to smile, immediately they smiled and were little pleasures in front of the camera....gotta love when your job seems easy!

Maurers, thanks for allowing me to come into your home and photograph your family. I'm also thankful for the conversation we were able to have and to watch the girls play while we talked.

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