Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Cairn University:: Student Teachers

In 2004, I graduated from college thinking I was going to be an English teacher. Little did I know that about a year following graduation I'd be working at my alma mater, in the department from which I graduated. Fast forward nine years and I am again working in the School of Education....nothing like coming full circle. My journey has been a whirlwind and there were some transitions along the way, but I am enjoying my job at Cairn University and working alongside the students in the School of Education.

Each semester we publish a prospective teacher brochure, and we include 'biographies' on the students who will graduate with their teaching certificates. It's a resource provided to hundreds of local schools, in hopes that they might be interested in hiring some of our students. Included with each of the bios is a picture of each of the student teachers. It made sense I'd take the pictures, and I had 15 minutes to introduce the brochure, have the students fill out their forms, and take their pictures. Did I mention there were approx. 20 of them? I was so pleased with how they turned out, and asked if I could share their photos with you.

May I introduce to you the next batch of future educators of America?!?

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