Monday, October 29, 2012

Kylie's baby shower

I met Kylie in college. I don't remember our first meeting, but I enjoyed getting to know her and becoming good friends throughout our years in college. Kylie and I were both teacher ed. majors, and we student taught at the same time. What I remember most about our time student teaching was that we'd get together for meals together - sometimes it was breakfast at IHOP, sometimes dinner at Taco Bell (I know, we were livin' large!). And throughout those meals shared, I recall Kylie's heart, her desire to know how I was doing, and her dedication to encouraging me and truly being a dear friend.

Ky and I have continued to keep in touch since college. One summer while she was nannying, we talked early in the mornings as we drove to work. And while we didn't ever seem to have earth-shattering things to say to each other, I valued those conversations so much. Kylie continues to encourage me with her care for my life. She is an incredible teacher, a caring wife, and is about to become a mom. I was overjoyed when she shared her news with me about becoming a mom.

This past weekend, a number of Kylie's college friends attended a shower for her. It was so great to spend time with Kylie, and hear of her excitement in becoming a new mom!

Kylie, I am so excited for you and Ben. I am so glad I was able to be at your shower and spend even a little bit of time with you.

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